martes, 8 de diciembre de 2020

Promocionar la Formación Intercultural: 'Adaptability Intelligence'

Webinar para Promocionar la Formación Intercultural: 'Adaptability Intelligence' 4 de junio de 2020

During this webinar offered as part of SIETAR Spain's Cycle of Webinars to Promote Intercultural Training (Webinars para Promover la Formación Intercultural) Jessica Breitenfeld will offer us a method to engage people online though Adaptability Intelligence. This webinar is delivered in English. 

Buy-in comes more readily in workshops by introducing the method of Adaptability Intelligence early on. It's designed for collaboration, thus co-creation happens with more flow. With less expectations and greater openness more 'open-tunities' arise. 

Join a Participatory Environment by doing a "One Word at a Time" and "Yes, And" collaborated story. It's a compact, dynamic workshop with many 'Ah ha!' moments for the experienced trainer. It's an introduction to the skills a therapist uses to get clients to change their patterns and you'll be able to apply these skills to your clients' lives to get bigger results. An Adaptable Facilitator remains neutral and yet does not repress feelings. The 3 - Step LAB Experience shifts your mentality to Listen. Accept. Build. 

As one of the 12 Emotional Intelligence competencies, being skilled in this Leadership ability entails having the flexibility to adapt to new situations, handle change, and balance multiple demands and to adjust strategy based on what is needed most. Every Facilitator will want more of this to minimize stress and deal more effectively with difficult participants. 

The workshop has 4 learning objectives: 

1) Tool: How to create a buy-in for collaboration early in the workshop to ensure more effort and introspection from participants leading to better results. 

2) Process: Experience the Positive Mental Mindset immediately, feeling the internal emotional shift you can later teach your participants. 

3) Relevant New Research: A sizable industry will emerge to boost our Adaptability Intelligence, and we cannot afford to remain ignorant. Jessica shows the tricks used by therapists and improves trainers' skills to help clients dig deeper to create lasting change. 

4) Techniques: Enhance your range of facilitation methods because you can take them deeper in effective conversations. 

Jessica is a Certified Practitioner, an international Linguist trainer who has lived and taught English in eight countries for ten years. Certified by the Applied Improvisation Network, she teaches the mindset of Improvisation -using a training technique used by comedians like Amy Poehler-. As a certified therapist in Gestalt Psychotherapy, she encourages play and experiential learning within a safe structure. 

For more information:


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